June 26, 2011

Our trip to the South

To be honest our adventure to the south was more like the mis-adventure to the south. Our trip started off with clouds and rain and it didn’t get much better. The entire 5 hour bus ride down to the coast we couldn’t see a thing out our windows because the fog was so thick which was very disappointing.

We did however visit Dingle to hangout with the famous dolphin, Fungi, who has been living in the bay since 1983! You don't see many dolphins in Ireland but apparently there's a warm current that comes in and that's how Fungi can survive!

We had a pit stop at a beach, it was gorgeous but the weather wasn't all that great.

On Sunday the rain and fog finally let up and it was blue skies and sunshine! We stopped in Cork for breakfast and had time to walk around town.

Next stop was Blarney Castle. If you kiss the blarney stone you are given the gift of "gab" or "the ability to deceive without offending." It was a pretty intense process! You have to lean over backwards to kiss the stone but when you do so you are looking down hundreds of feet to the ground!

One of the reasons why I called it a mis-adventure was the fact that our tour bus broke down twice during our trip. One of the times it was in the middle of the road and we actually had to get out and push the bus to get it started again!


  1. Awesome photos

    Is that Meara in the purple shirt?!

  2. HAH, it kind of looks like her I guess.
